#TipCoala | fragrant homemade soap
Hi, Coalete!
How are you?
Today we brought a #TicaCoala to make your homemade soap with that special smell.
Check out how to make yours now.
– 1 l of used cooking oil;
– 140 ml of water
– 135 g of scaly caustic soda (concentration greater than 95%);
– 25 ml of alcohol (optional);
– a few drops of your favorite Koala flavor concentrate.
– Containers for soap molding (specific shapes, plastic trays or milk containers and avoid aluminum containers);
– 1 wooden spoon;
– 1 pair of gloves;
– 1 disposable mask
– Safety Glasses
– 1 large bucket;
– 1 small container.
Before you start, here are some pointers for you:
– put on your goggles, gloves and mask as the caustic soda is; highly corrosive and must be handled with great care to avoid accidents;
– try to respect the order of ingredients for the result to be positive;
– use resistant plastic containers to carry out the mixtures so that it does not corrode;
– do not use disposable aluminum containers in conjunction with caustic soda
Preparation Mode
1. Put the water to heat up to ; let it be warm.
After that, put the water in the container and add the caustic soda slowly, in small portions, always mixing with each addition.
Add soda over water, not water over soda (this can cause a strong reaction).
Make sure the separate container is high enough, as this dissolution can effervesce and cause foaming.
Stir with the wooden spoon untillé completely dilute the soda, eliminating the scales.
2. After removing impurities from the oil, heat it a little (40°) and add it to the bucket that will be used. used to put all the other ingredients.
Then add the soda very slowly and in small portions, mixing over and over.
By doing this you will be able to improves the quality of your soap by preventing it from getting lumpy in some spots.
3. Mix only the oil and soda for about 20 minutes. The final consistency needs to look like condensed milk.
Remember to respect this mixing time so that there is a reaction between the oil and the soda.
4. After this mixing time you will be able to mix. will start adding the other ingredients.
E é at that moment youê will put your favorite Koala flavoring so that it has that unmistakable aroma.
Mix well until let these ingredients mix thoroughly.
5. If the mass that has formed is too liquid, slowly add the alcohol and mix well for 10 minutes so that the mixture does not lump.
At that moment the soap mass will gain; consistency quickly.
É It is recommended that the form in which it will be; placed the soap already; be prepared and close to where you want to go. it is.
6. After that it is; only; pour your homemade soap into the selected container and wait for the “cure process” (hardening of material) of homemade soap that takes 20 to 45 days.
After disinforming and cutting, it will remain; in slices ready to be used.
With these very detailed walkthroughs it's even more interesting to try them at home, right?
Do yours and tell us later what the result was. Already; we are looking forward to waiting for your reply.
Up to; the next.